Monday, 2 May 2016

Double page spread analysis

·         The main image takes up the whole of one page which is conventional of a double page spread. This image is usually the first thing seen by the audience and therefore must be eye catching. Spiderman is also making direct eye contact with the reader which furthermore engages them into reading the article. The image appears to be a screen shot from the film, this is another conventional aspect to the main image; it allows the audience to have an insight to what they will be watching.

·         The page contains a star rating which helps boost the audience’s outlook on the film before they have even seen it. The audience can be influenced a great deal by the star rating, as many would consider watching it if it has proven to be a hit with other people.

·         The title of the film is the second most prominent thing on the page which stands out as it is in thick black writing. The use of the black text can relate to the narrative of the film, linking to the theme of spiders. The page also has lots of red and blue, which are colours commonly associated with Spiderman. It is much easier for the colours on the page to be associated with the narrative as the audience are already familiar with the film, due to it being the second one released.
·         The corner of the page has an enticing piece of text saying “film of the month”. This draws the audience in as they are relying on expert opinions. It also makes the film sound more certified and credible, seeing as it has taken the top spot for the best film.

·         There is box of text which contains basic information about the film such as running time etc. This is a common feature of a film magazine as it just fills the audience with some basic knowledge. For those members of the audience who are familiar with directors and so on, this may be an enticing feature for them as they may choose a film to watch based on who directed/ produced it.

·         A short synopsis of the film is included, which gives the viewers an insight to the plot of the film. For people who are already fans of the first film, this may not be as necessary, however it may work better at enticing new fans if they like the sound of the story. This will eventually result in gaining audience appeal, which brings in money in the box office.
·        Other conventions of the page include things such as the age rating, letting viewers know who its suited for/ the intended target audience, page numbers located in the bottom corner, a drop capital in the text allowing the audience to recognise where it starts and the name of the magazine at the top of the page.

·         The colour scheme is very bright and vibrant which suits the nature of the film. Action films stereotypically contains bright colours as they have to work at getting the audience intrigued and interested. The use of the bright red also connotes danger, which gives the audience some indication as to what the film is going to be about.  

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